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We feed this to ALL our Bulldog puppies. Your Puppy is already on this food, and is used to having it soaked and soft. Please soak the food and put down only soft food until at least age 6 months to prevent choking, and even up to 12 months, especially if you have a smaller baby.
HOW TO SOAK...more info below...
I soak half water, half food in a plastic bowl with a lid and keep any extra in the fridge. Some babies like it cold right out of the fridge and some like it warmed in the microwave. If you warm it, make sure to allow to sit for a minute and then mix well after warming.
When you are ready to introduce hard kibble, make sure to offer it to your baby on a full stomach, right after feeding soft, so the baby won't gobble it up quickly. When you introduce the hard kibble, if your baby coughs, hacks, or gags, remove the food immediately and go back to soft. Retry every 4 weeks. Monitor your baby eating for several days to make sure he/she is chewing the kibble and not swallowing it whole which is a choking hazard. Note: some babies will need soft food for life. I have 2 minis that have never been able to eat kibbles without choking.
If you need help, are nervous, or have questions, please do not hesitate to call us anytime. 850.850.1027 Alesia
I cannot say enough about this subject. I try to impress upon every New Puppy Parent how DANGEROUS this is to Bulldogs.
Evidently, I need to put this in writing because I have gotten that dreaded phone call twice now…one of My New Parents in tears saying “my new baby has pneumonia & might not make it”.
A transfer Cold is caused from your New Baby going from one environment to another. It does not matter if the baby flies to another state or if you pick the baby up & drive. Even if you live within 10 miles of me…ONE ENVIRONMENT IS NOT GOING TO BE EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE OTHER. Hence, new germs, new temperatures, new surroundings, period. In other breeds, this is nothing to be concerned about for the most part…BUT…you now own a BULLDOG!
Why is this so dangerous for Bulldogs? Bulldogs have no length from their noses to their upper respiratory & lungs, thus they are MANY times more susceptible to upper respiratory infections. IN BULLDOGS, UPPER RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS CAN TURN INTO PNEUMONIA LITERALLY OVERNIGHT! Your baby may act normal one day & the next day be very sick!
If you suspect that your baby has contracted a Transfer Cold, take your baby immediately to your vet & insist on antibiotics. Call us immediately as well if you have questions or problems with your vet not wanting to administer medication. 850.688.9925
The Rare Bulldogs Way!
We use Stainless steel Grates and Drip pans with with cedar shavings or Potty Pads. Info on ordering is below. The shavings help with the odor, either will work. We start them at about 3-4 weeks in a 4x4 playpen with the box in the pen. BTW, we cover the grated floor of the 4x4 with something solid, I do not think it is good to train any dog to poop through a grate floor, which also creates splayed feet. Usually by time these babies are 5-6 weeks old, they are fully trained to use the pan.
House Training made easy for you!
When you get your baby home, since they are already potty trained, house training should be a few days process. Plan your babies arrival by having someone home around the clock with the baby for the first 3 days or more if possible. You need to have the time to watch the baby all day.
Move the potty pan right by the door that the baby will go out of. Leave the door open, hopefully the baby will get the hint. Once the baby has used the pan by the door, try putting it right on the outside of the door. Once the baby goes there, move it a little farther, eventually getting it to the area where you want the baby to always potty.
Always take the baby outside to that spot right after waking, after eating, or if crated, when the baby cries....even if the baby is crying to get out of the crate, this will teach him/her that crying gets a potty break.
When the baby goes in the correct spot...potty box or outside, clap your hands and baby talk yaaaaaaaay, goooood baby! believe me, they are just like children, they LOVE that kind of praise!
WARNING: do not use epoxy coated grates, these are toxic.
2 x 2 stainless grate Drip Pan for 2 x 2
18"x24" stainless grate Tray for 18 x 24
This is an alternative way to potty pan train.
Supplies Needed:
*Litter Pans...we recommend 2 so that you can put down a fresh pan as soon as you take out the used pan. You can purchase them online, we recommend the Petco Brand.
*Cedar or Pine Chips...get small, soft chips if possible, you can get this from Walmart and it is very inexpensive.
*Dog may prefer the dog litter. It is more expensive and bulky, but makes less of a mess than the chips. You can find it at Pet Smart.
Step 1: Getting Set Up
Make sure to set up the pan as close to an active part of the house as possible, so your puppy will want to use it.
Add enough litter to cover the bottom of the pan 1".
Allow at least 3 feet distance from any bedding, food, or water.
Step 2: Teaching your Puppy to use the Pan
After meals, naps, or letting your Puppy out of his/her crate or playpen, set the puppy in the Litter Pan and keep him there until he goes if possible.
Clap, say yea!! and praise profusely just like you would a WORKS! They do understand that you are happy with them.
Step 3: Successful Pan Usage
Until they are completely trained, when your Puppy is left alone, it is best to confine them to a gated area, playpen, or large crate with the pan enclosed with them.
If you want to completely house train, slowly move the pan by the door, then to just outside, and eventually to a desired Potty Spot until your Puppy asks, and goes to the proper area on his own.
We are proud to offer you this service as part of our Standard of Care.
We provide permanent microchip identification for all of our adults and puppies. Your new puppy comes to you already fitted with a tiny harmless microchip that will stay safely in place for life, offering protection from loss, theft or separation due to natural or personal disaster. The microchip number is unique and belongs only to your puppy.
You and your puppy should be enrolled in the AKC ReUnite System. AKC ReUnite is an affiliate of the American Kennel Club® and the nation's largest not-for-profit pet identification and 24/7 recovery service provider. We have included the proper papers in your kit/email to do this, or you can click the logo to enroll online at anytime.
Shelters, vets, and rescue teams scan for microchips. If ever lost, your puppy can find his way home to you when his number is scanned and AKC ReUnite is alerted. Operators are standing by 24 hours a day to help reunite you and your pet. AKC ReUnite manages over 1000 calls each day and has helped thousands of lost pets get back home.
PLEASE do not use any brand of product except the ones listed below.
Bulldogs have severe and fatal reactions to many of the brands on the market.
Do NOT start flea and tick until your baby is at least 6 months old and preferably 8 months. You can use ADAMS Flea spray in the meantime. Heartworm treatment should be ok to start at 4 months.
Please use only Revolution or Nexgard brands.
Rare Bulldogs personal stand on altering: I do not alter my dogs unless it is medically in the best interest of my dog. Now this is a PERSONAL preference and not meant to make anyone feel they are wrong on their own stance.
We do however, have a problem with altering any animal before it is physically and mentally mature.
Therefore altering before 1 year of age is not something we would ever consider or recommend. For the bulldog breeds we recommend allowing females to be 18 months or older and males to be 24 months or older.
Whether to spay or neuter is a personal decision, but there are several things to consider with a Bulldog.
Because spaying or neutering can inhibit bone and muscle growth, this is very important for the dense muscles and bones on the English and French Bulldog. To alter a bulldog before physical and mental maturity has been obtained, will inhibit muscle and bone growth, which is essential for these breeds to be able to hold their massive bodies up, their bones together, and not cause additional issues.
AKC agrees, please take time to read this article:
Dog & Cat Insurance
The AKC pet insurance plan provides customizable coverage that will fit any pet owner's budget. Take a look and see why AKC Pet Insurance has been trusted as the exclusive insurance provider of the American Kennel Club since 2003.
Certificate Program
The AKC certificate program is a benefit of your AKC registration. This 30-Day Certificate of Pet Insurance provides coverage for your puppies or kitties for the first 30 days in their new home. Activation is required. Eligibility restrictions apply.
At Rare Bulldogs we want the VERY BEST in safely transporting your new baby DIRECTLY into your arms!! We recommend reliable Airline Nanny services that will fly in cabin with your baby. Most major airports in the US are available. This is the safest, most reliable, and the least stressful way for your new baby to be delivered to you. We do NOT transport our babies Cargo.
US transports for puppies under 20 lbs are from $600+ according to your location. Some airlines also charge a PET FEE that could be added to your quoted price. Please be sure to ask about this ahead of time so that you are not surprised.
Our Recommended Flight Nannies work for the airlines and can only fly with their company & on STANDBY. This means that they cannot choose the day or arrival time for your baby's delivery, and they can be bumped from the scheduled flight at ANY time. They also can fly only to certain airports. Because of this, you must have someone available that can go to the airport at any time on any day to pick up the baby. If you are late to meet the Nanny, he/she may have to return with the puppy at your expense. Our Nannies CANNOT miss their return flight. There will be no refunds. By choosing this option for delivery, you are agreeing with this policy.
Note: if you hire your own Shipper, we reserve the right to refuse pickup if the legal paperwork is not in place and most importantly if there are conditions that we are not comfy with.
Personal Pickup is the best way to transport your new baby. This can be new for a lot of you, so we have compiled a list of what you will need to travel with your baby.
*Harness and Leash: all RB puppies are sent home with a new harness & Leash for safety while doing potty breaks.
*Wire Crate: as large as will fit in your vehicle. We recommend the largest crate possible so that the baby has plenty of room for his food, water, blankie, and toys, even as an adult.
*Blankets: bring several in case the baby has an accident.
*Towels: cant have too many towels on a road trip!
*Paper Towels: usually one roll will do it.
*Baby Wipes(unscented/hypoallergenic): bring 2 or 3 packs to clean up any mess and to wipe bathe the baby if he gets soiled.
*Walmart Bags: use these to put any soiled towels, blankets, etc. in. Even for your used baby wipes until you get to a waste can. This will help tremendously with the smell until you can get home.
*Bottled Water: bring plenty for baby. we do not recommend faucet water as this can make the baby sick.
*Food and Water Bowls
Rare Bulldogs never recommends ground shipping a puppy, but if you have a baby over 20 lbs., this becomes necessary. We have a couple shippers that we have worked with directly. Bulldogs need experienced shippers that know what to do in case of an emergency, especially with overheating whether from heat conditions or from anxiety.
Note: if you hire your own Shipper, we reserve the right to refuse pickup if the legal paperwork is not in place and most importantly if there are conditions that we are not comfy with.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question. We will add most of your questions here.
The breed standard for French Bulldogs is 18-28 lbs. Some French Bulldogs are smaller or larger than the breed standard, but the majority stay within that range. Here at Rare Bulldogs, we like them on the small side and most of our lines are small.
French Bulldogs are pretty active on their own and do not necessarily need an exercise regimen or regular walks, ESPECIALLY in the heat as they are very susceptible to the heat. We recommend a play area as large as possible indoors where their play can be monitored. French Bulldogs are also susceptible to anxiety and excitement overheating no matter the temperature.
Rare Bulldogs