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Rare Bulldogs Mini's are designated by the size in inches at the shoulder. RB's Mini Mite Munchkins are NOT RUNTS, nor are they crossed or mixed with pugs and/or shar-pei. Our minis are AKC purebred, naturally occurring, small bullys that are born fat and healthy, and with a smaller frame structure.
True Runts are malnourished in uetero or have some congenital problems that may or may not be evident at birth. If these babies live, they almost always grow up to be a normal size dog for their breed. Breeders who try to pass off Runts as Minis, petites, toys, etc. are unscrupulous and more than likely have ulterior motives.
Rare Bulldogs Mini's are also True Midgets, NOT Dwarfs.
Midgets result from a lack of growth hormone and otherwise look very normally proportioned, only smaller. Dwarfs have a genetic bone/cartilage defect that cause shortened limbs, large joints, and bowed legs, among other things. At Rare Bulldogs, we do not breed dwarfs nor do we sell them as breeders.
AKC has recently changed it's size in weight on the English Bulldog. Forever it has been a flat out 55 lbs. But now they have a 50 lb designation for MALES and a 40 lb designation for FEMALES. AKC standard height is 14-15 inches, therefore, under 14 inches is considered a mini. Thus we have changed our definition of TRUE MINI to coincide with the AKC Standard on English Bulldogs.
There is also growing approval from many breeders that a True Mini should be designated by its body size and not it's weight in the English Bulldog Breed, because of the density of the bulldog body, making even very small specimens of the breed weighing more than the designation. Rare Bulldogs will join this growing crowd of breeders and designate the size in inches at the shoulder.
There is officially no accepted Standard for a "Mini English Bulldog", but common sense would dictate that anything under the accepted AKC standard would be considered a mini.
Rare Bulldogs considers our English Bulldogs to be "Minis" if at maturity they are:
Females under 14 inches and preferably under 40 lbs.
Males under 14 inches and preferably under 50 lbs.
Even in our standard size breedings we consistently have at least one or 2 Natural Minis in every litter.
Even experienced breeders have to know what they are doing, and be VERY cautious in breeding ANY female Bulldog under 40 lbs, or even heavier girls that have an extreme cobby structure. If your small girl drops more than 4 or 5 eggs, you stand a chance at loosing both Mom and pups as her little body cannot hold all those heavy babies to term. Breeding these small girls can put you in the position to take the babies early in order to save your girl, and almost 100% of the time, the babies do not survive. If you don't, you will loose your Mom too. Just because your Mom is a Mini and maybe the Dad too, does not mean you will have MINI babies, you still have the chance of getting at least some standard size babies in the litter, and could even get a whole standard litter.
Because of this, here at Rare Bulldogs, we will not breed extremely small Moms, and will plan our Mini breeding program meticulously. It is just not worth the loss and heartbreak.
Note: ANY size EB Mom can get into trouble if her litter is too big or too heavy, so EVERY litter should be handled with Caution.
Rare Bulldogs